Seven Pocket Wall Display Rack

$ 64.00

Versatility is our No. 1 rule when searching for the products we know you want and love.  This one is not only versatile, it's unique and so fun!

 Seven galvanized pockets hang from an iron frame, and can hang on the patio or kitchen wall for plants and herbs as easily as it holds utensils in the kitchen, supplies in the crafts room or office, or even as a corral for electronics, cell phones, gloves, etc. in the foyer or closet!  

(See the photos!  Now I literally have an entire herb garden right outside the kitchen door hanging on the deck wall, and can move it back into the kitchen for winter and have fresh herbs all year!)  How cool is that?!

27½" x 3½" x 16". Each pocket is 5" x 3½" x 5½" and will hang on any bar of the display. Hangs with two keyhole hangers.